
2020. A number that carries so much weight, history, and will forever be remembered as one of the toughest years our generation has endured.

Roughly a year ago, in April 2020, we started a Live Webinar Series named “The New Normal”. Little did we know these words would become the norm and now vehemently avoided. We brought together leaders from both the Owner and Contractor worlds, along with Industry Experts in their own fields, to have a roundtable discussion of the challenges ahead.

Back then, we covered topics that were happening in real-time - the thought of vaccines, how low would the economy plunge, how fast it would recover, what would ‘work in the field’ or even back in the office look like… And other topics that -fortunately!- we now have many answers to.

Last year we spoke with construction leaders to learn how they were combatting the effects of the pandemic on their construction projects in our “New Normal” webinar series, which turned out to be a huge hit with over 5,000 attendees.

It’s one year later with multiple vaccines, a new President, a pending multi-trillion-dollar infrastructure bill, and a new state of construction. Last year we spoke with construction leaders to learn how they were combatting the effects of the pandemic on their construction projects in our “New Normal” webinar series, which turned out to be a huge hit with over 5,000 attendees.

Since that series, the construction industry has undergone major change & growth to ensure continued project and program success. Changes or adaptations that previously seemed impossible were suddenly forced on organizations without a choice. So here we are, one year later, with a sequel to our “New Normal'' series.

This will be a three-part series, as we follow up with our construction leaders to see where they are now (EP1), predictions for what the construction industry will look like a year from now (EP2), and a roundtable discussion around pending infrastructure legislation (EP3).

One Year Later - Episode 1

Episode 1:

Lessons and Reflections:
Observations from the Past Year

It’s been one year since the launch of the New Normal Webinar series. Join us as we follow up with the leaders we spoke to a year ago, as we previously braced for a pandemic-driven world. We’ll pick their brains to pull out key learnings, mistakes made along the way, and mitigation efforts for construction professionals working to keep their projects on track.

Benjamin Crosby (Yates Construction)
Donna Laquidara-Carr (Dodge Data & Analytics)

Episode 2:

Predictions and Projections:
What the Future Will Hold

Join us as we pull together a roundtable of construction leaders to discuss the industry’s best path forward. As we prepare to return to some version of normalcy, what does the future of construction look like? How has it permanently changed due to the pandemic? What will the construction industry look like in one year from now? What are your predictions? These are all topics we’ll look to unpack.

Barry LePatner (Founder/Partner, LePatner & Associates,LPP)
Christopher Haite (Managing Civil Engineer, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Chicago)

One Year Later - Episode 2
One Year Later - Episode 3

Episode 3:

The Impact of the Election on Infrastructure and Local Government Spending

Join us as we pull together a roundtable of policy analysts & construction leaders to assess the impact the previous and current administration policies have and will have on construction projects around our nation’s infrastructure. We’ll hear from policy experts on why infrastructure is a priority, areas the current administration looks to target, the latest Relief Package analysis and ways construction professionals can prepare now for the pending dam break of infrastructure spending.

Norm Anderson (CEO of CG/LA Infrastructure)
Dan Conery (Sr. Director, Product Strategy & Management, Trimble PPM)